
The Creative Chakra Salon Bundle

All 7 Chakra Virtual Workshops

Join Live for all of the virtual workshops:

Root Chakra Workshop: Thursday March 7th, 2019 1pm MST/2pm EST

Sacral Chakra Workshop: Tuesday March 12th 1pm MST/2pm EST

Solar Plexus Workshop: Sunday March 31st 1pm MST/2pm EST

Heart Charka Workshop: Wednesday April 3rd 10am MST/12pm EST

Throat Chakra Workshop: Sunday April 7th 1pm MST/2pm EST

Third Eye Workshop: Wednesday April 10th 10am MST/12pm EST

Crown Chakra Workshop: Sunday April 14th, 2019 1pm MST/2pm EST

or watch the video recordings + go at your own pace!

Clear the blockages + free up the energy of each Chakra through:

>> A powerful Kundalini mantra meditation

>> Journey with an herbal tea (to assist you in awakening your creativity)

>> Intuitive, soul art painting experiences including:

Connecting with the guidance of archetypes, power animals, mapping the energy of the body, create earth mandalas, discovering the universal, sacred language coming through you and painting experiences to channel the messages you recieve from your creative guidance.

Deepen your trust in your unique creative process, tap into the state of flow and learn to co-create with the kundalini, shakti creative energy within yourself.

The Creative Chakra Salon Bundle Details:

Upon purchase of the Creative Chakra Salon Bundle, you will receive (via email) a Welcome Guide with instructions for joining the virtual workshops, herbal tea resources, an art materials supply list + Spotify playlist links created especially for each Chakra workshop.

  • Each workshpo will be aproximately 2.5 hours long

  • You will also receive access to a Creative Chakra Salon Dashboard where you will have access to video recordings of each workshop + supplemental pdf guides

The Creative Chakra Salon Bundle

To check out, Go to Your Cart Here