
Welcome! Some part of you felt called to join this Challenge:

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to try Kundalini yoga or have tried it a couple of times, but found it a bit weird


you’ve felt called to start painting (for the first time or picking it up again), but are unsure of exactly where to start.

In this Challenge, you’ll practice a super quick + super effective Kundalini kriya and honor your creativity daily (for 7 days) by creating one tiny painting a day!


Mark your calendar for Wednesday September 11th, 2:00pm MST // 4pm EST.

You will also be receiving an email from me shortly with information on how to join the opening ceremony + take part in the challenge (Be sure to check your spam folder if you aren’t seeing anything from me.)

With love + a paintbrush,

Photo Dec 21, 2 18 00 PM.jpg

xo, eliza