
Work with Me

Coming into 2019, I am shifting gears in my work in a big way.

You’ll see me teaching + sharing more about Creativity as a living, moving, energizing entity.

I’ll be creating invitations and gateways for you to activate it through intuitive painting, kundalini yoga, plant spirit ally work and planetary alignment.

I want to help you recognize the incredible power of creative energy within yourself.

I want for you to be able to maximize your creative capacity so that you can:


>>> feel a juicy, joyful, energized, thriving radiance.

>>> experience beautiful fluidity, intuition and synchronicity in your life.

>>> learn to co-create with your creative energy.

Because I believe that the emergence of our collective creativity will be crucial in the coming months and years.

I believe that the powerful creative force within every single one of us is awakening and wanting to work through us and be expressed in the world.

If you’re ready to awaken to your creative gifts and energy, fill out the contact form below to find out more about how we can work together in 2019.